Home Computer Repair Do’s and Don’ts


As time has evolved over this last decade from 2001 to 2010, our everyday use of computers has increased. We rely on them for more than ever before, and trying to keep them up to date and running smoothing can prove to be more of a chore than actually using it and enjoying it. Regardless if we overlook the general maintenance on our computers, it can prove to be as bad, and as expensive, as if we neglect doing the general maintenance on our cars. The problem is in these days of economic crisis, we have less money to spend to have professionals do the work on our computers, and we take it upon ourselves to try to maintain them and even fix them. I’m here to give you some general do’s and don’ts to avoid any severe mistakes that could lead to you being without your computer for a few days, while your local professional fixes your mistakes.

1. Do get yourself a can of compressed air, or a shop vac and clean the dust out of your pc once a month. This helps keep the fans clean and functiong properly, it also makes sure your system is just clean and running     smoothly. It fairly easy and not a lengthy process to pop off two screws, remove the side cover and finish rather quickly.

   Don’t suck up half your computer wires if you choose to use a shop vac. Just be smart and careful and keep your eye on wires. Would suck to have to dig your processor out of  the bottom of the shop vac.

2. Do get a spy-ware/virus scan software like SuperAntiSpyware or Malwarebytes AntiMalware. These two free tools can save you from even some of the worst viruses and at the same time save you from the professional fees that are being charged.

   Don’t neglect to do this once a month. Spy-ware and other rogue Trojans can hide in your system and slow your computer way down. It’s better just to run these free scans and keep your computer free from all the garbage that is picked up by surfing and downloading on the Internet.

3. Do run a defrag on your hard drive. As your installing programs and removing others, your hard disk can get fragmented and slow down your read/write access. Running this will keep your hard disk in good running order.

    Don’t think your Hard drive is Superman and invincible. They do crash from time to time, so run the defrag once a month and back up your data at the same time.

4. Do find yourself a reasonable local Computer Repairservice professional. If you spend a little time looking, you can find yourself a reasonable professional to help you in times of crisis, and not break the bank paying them for their services.

    Don’t think your a computer repair professional and know-it-all. I’ve made a living off of people who thought they could get away with doing thier own computer repairs, and not knowing what they were doing really made things worse, so it cost them twice as much.

Just following a few do’s and don’ts can go a long way into helping you save some money on computer repairs and at the same time teach yourself how to maintain it.

Computer Repair by The Computer Nerdz
Don’t call a Geek, call the Nerdz for your computer repair and technology needs. What you need, when you need I.T.